This is my fourth part of my London trip. First, we woke up. IT was our last day in London! We went down to the kitchen. We ate what we ate on day two. AGAIN. Toast with butter, apple juice, and eggs (actually I had a chicken Caesar salad sandwich)! After breakfast, we went outside. We called an Uber and went to the London Eye. We there were a giant river there! It was right under the London Eye. And there were also boat rides too! I didn’t know which one to pick! So I jus went with the boat ride. It was called a (I forgot the first part of the name) cruise. But first, we had to eat lunch. We found a Chinese restaurant. What!? We ordered fish,( Big Bass ) rice, chicken, and mango juice. (that was my drink ) we ate and we ate, and we ate. This was the best Chinese food I ever had! After lunch, we went on the whatever it’s name is cruise. And it WAS a cruise. It had like a snack shack in there. Chairs, and music inside. It was so cool! There was outdoor seating but all the seats were taken. So, we just sat inside. Next, we got out of the boat. We saw a GIANT castle called the Tower of London! It had archers on top. It was really big.
We went to the gift shop and got a snow globe, and stickers for my memory shelf. (you remember that right?) it was 10 pounds. It wasn’t that bad. She gave me change because we gave her 20 POUNDS! ( I think ) I got one pound to keep in my pocket and it’s still in my pocket right now! It was getting late. We had to go home. We went back home. We called an Uber and went back home. The Uber took like one and a half hour to get back home. We had to pack, eat dinner, and do my homework. After all that I played computer games. I played Super Mario Bros. That was the last day in London.